uploads/loss leader.jpg

loss leader 為招攬顧客而虧本出售的貨物。

loss list

Loss leader pricing : this involves lowering prices on a number of key products in order to attract a customer to purchase the products 超市和百貨商店以少數商品作為犧牲將其價格定低,以招攬顧客,吸引他們來到本店,并希望他們購買正常標價的其他商品。

Grocery stores often use a loss leader , such as low - priced coffee , to lure customers into the store 食品雜貨店常常利用諸如咖啡一類的虧本出售的廉價品來招攬顧客。

We use it as a loss leader to get her corporate business , 我們可以以此來爭攬她公司的業務